Raíces means Roots in Spanish. This illustrated book is about Colombian native words that are being used in a derogatory way, their original meaning has been distorted through history since the time Spain arrived in the territory. Thus I decided to create a visual dictionary, where these words would have their original meaning and where I could add other words like "displaced", "identity" or "language"; words that also have strong meanings and are related to this topic.
The illustration cover page is a girl with her eyes closed. Her hair is the roots of the ground and allude to what Mother Earth is. It is like the roots of a tree. The tree of life. Some of the words inside the book are: Guaricha, Guache, Maloca, desplazado (refugee or displaced), identy, language, lenguas nativas (native language), nation, culture, ethnic, bilingual and güeva.
The book works as an accordion shape. On one side it has the illustration that fits with the cover page and on the turn, it has the content of the book

Identity: It is what we are in front of others

Language: The way you express and communicate yourself in front of others,
 with sounds, signals, and symbols. 

Guaricha: Warrior, lady, wise woman, indigenous young woman. (original meaning)
Nowadays in Colombia, Guaricha means Whore.

Guache: Warrior. A brave and proud man.
Nowadays in Colombia, Guache means Rude.

Maloca: Mother House. Sacred House.

Ethnic: Features, customs, and traits from a community. 

Native Languages: Languages from an specifc place.

Culture: Concepts that are inherited from generation to generation. 

Displaced (Refugee): Someone who is forced to leave her or his home.

Design by Maria Infinita
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